Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sierra Nevada Summerfest

During the 1980's beer production in America entered a renaissance phase with the emergence of small craft or micro breweries.

Beer lovers who wanted something with more flavor and character than the mass produced lagers distributed by the large commercial brewers like Miller and Anheuser Busch no longer had to seek out the smaller regional brewers like Shiner and Point who were able to survive prohibition and the depression.

Brewers like the Boston Beer Company and Sierra Nevada started creating unique and flavorful brews and stimulated many others to follow in their footsteps.

It is not surprising that Sierra Nevada has created a great summer beer.

The mild hop flavor of Summerfest is just right, like many of the summer beers I have tried this pilsner style lager is very drinkable.

Tom likes this beer and thinks that you will too.

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